Coaching with Lisbeth McKinley

Find your greatness and discover what’s possible.

Life_Coaching, Personal_Advocate, Career_Guidance

Does any of this ring true for you?

You feel held back or frustrated in your professional or personal life

You experience yourself as less effective than you know you can be

You are seeking both clarity and a new perspective that will inspire you to make a change

You devote most of your adult life to your families or careers but deep down, you know you have more to offer this world  

You are tired of communicating your most important thoughts via text or chat rooms.  You crave real human conversation!

My wish for you is to embrace your full self!

Many people believe that personal coaching is a waste of time and money. I did too. Now I know that coaching is a practice, rooted in neuroscience, that can help any motivated individual become aware of their perceived obstacles, discover ways to actively transform them and unlock their greatest potential…at any age!

To learn more about my coaching, visit:

Break Free From What’s Holding You Back

Curious? Let’s get acquainted. You can schedule a free, no-obligation engagement session with me to learn how I work and how I can be of help to you.

Just click here to be taken to my scheduling page.

Feel empowered to do more of what you love

I called my home organizing company LET’S MAKE ROOM because I recognized how the act of partnering with my clients to make room in their physical spaces had a parallel impact on their mental and emotional wellbeing.

By creating this mental space, my clients had the “room” to live how they wanted or even discover parts of themselves, not yet realized. 

Eventually, I discovered that coaching created a new way for me to engage in my client’s self-discovery. Together, through dialog, my clients identify the real challenges or goals they want to accomplish, and what they need to address or resolve to achieve their desired outcome.

“I really felt like you were actively listening to what I was saying and what I was feeling. (You) asked me really probing questions to reflect on. Those questions then pushed me in the right direction for me to critically think of solutions to my problems that I would not have thought of myself.”- Christina

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